What’s limiting your potential?
I work with writers, musicians, painters, dancers, filmmakers, artists, entrepreneurs, as well as anyone seeking a deeper engagement with their life and creative potential. Whether you want to write a book, start a business, or have fulfilling relationships, coaching can help you tap into your inner resources and live a life of purpose and joy.
Individual Coaching
Together we will:
Discover: what limits you, what motivates you, what habits support your creative self-expression
Nourish: your creative spirit, your healthy boundaries, your inner nurturer (vs. inner critic)
Create: practices that serve you, intentions, goals, timelines, projects
What you get:
60 min sessions at a frequency of your choice
Email support between sessions
Editing support and storytelling techniques for writers
Handouts specific to your needs and goals
Private yoga and meditation instruction to nourish your body-mind-heart-spirit
Suggested activities to stimulate your creative brain and unlock your potential
Group Coaching
Open Groups
Private Groups
I offer a 3-month creative mastermind group coaching program. In community we explore practices to awaken creative intelligence, connect to intuition, and live a life of purpose and joy. Get in touch to learn when the next cycle of open group creative mastermind coaching begins or if you’d like me to facilitate this program for a private group or organization.
Writing from the Body
Writers spend a lot of time in the mind. Yet, vibrant writing is often felt in the body of the reader. Imagine what you could create from a deeper, more embodied experience of your real or imagined worlds? Through movement, mindfulness exercises, and writing prompts intended to stimulate the senses and shift perspective, this workshop will help writers contact what it is about themselves and the world that the body already knows and share this knowing with readers in a compelling way. Participants will create rich material generated from a place of deep embodiment and learn techniques to enter mind/body connection before sitting down to write.
If you'd like me to facilitate this workshop in your class or organization, in-person or virtually, please email me. I look forward to hearing from you!
Recovering your Creative Spirit
Are you feeling stuck, uninspired, or unfulfilled? Is something within you longing to be expressed? In this workshop we will explore the feeling of being creatively stuck and how it affects our inner and outer worlds. Through written reflection, group discussion, mind-body practices, and intuitive collage I will guide participants into a deeper understanding of their own creative blocks. Together we will create a safe and supportive container for each person to begin the process of shifting from stuck to unstuck. My intention is to facilitate awareness of and curiosity around the needs and desires of your creative spirit and to share tools and practices to help you sustain a fulfilling creative flow and engagement in life well beyond the workshop.
If you’d like me to facilitate this workshop in your class or organization, in-person or virtually, please email me. I look forward to hearing from you!
Infusing Creative Practices with Intention
How do you want to show up for yourself and your creativity? In this workshop I guide participants through written reflection and mindfulness practices to discover and create intentions. We will discuss the value of committing to intentions as well as techniques for keeping them alive with regular review and revision. Participants will come away with a concrete set of creative actions to embody their deepest intentions and inspire the creator within.
If you’d like me to facilitate this workshop in your class or organization, in-person or virtually, please email me. I look forward to hearing from you!
I will help you build nourishing habits in service of your highest aspirations.