Creative Recovery
I am inspired to help people discover and nourish their potential. In my Creative Recovery blog, I write about what limits and what serves our self-expression and creative aspirations. Hot topics include holistic health, exploring the inner critic, practices for cultivating mindfulness and self-compassion, and tips for stimulating creative flow.

Power in Different Perspectives
Imagine if humans could see with such varied perspective. Imagine if we reflected on our histories, present, and our futures with equal depth and attention. How might this influence our perception of the world? Of ourselves? Of others? How might this pave the way for social change?

Living in the Land of Not Enough
How does a mind become so self-critical? Often, our harsh inner critic is an internalization of some external pressure—from the media, from society, from family, from teachers.

The Value of Solo Retreats
Solo retreats are powerful opportunities to leave your scheduled life and come home to yourself. Whether the purpose of your retreat is rest, writing, painting, or focused problem solving, stepping out of clock time into a more spacious existence can trigger big shifts in perspective.

6 Steps for Connecting to Creativity in Times of Transition
Transitions can be challenging, especially for creatives—artists, techies, and engineers alike. Because consistency of practice is a cornerstone for the flow of ideas, change can steer energy away from our creative projects.

Mindful Eating: Connecting Through the Senses
Although food cravings get a bad rap as urges that do not serve us and that test our willpower, they are, in fact, important messages from the body. Part of embodied living means tuning in to how the body communicates and listening openly and honestly to those messages.

Messages from the Body: 10 Tips for Deconstructing Food Cravings
Although food cravings get a bad rap as urges that do not serve us and that test our willpower, they are, in fact, important messages from the body. Part of embodied living means tuning in to how the body communicates and listening openly and honestly to those messages.